H.O.P.E. is the Hartford Healthcare Organization of Professional Employees of Backus, Natchaug and Windham Hospitals. We are committed, in solidarity, to providing the highest quality care to our families and community.

We believe that by uniting and elevating the voices of our frontline workers, we become the best advocates for our patients and each other. We are proud to be the H.O.P.E. of the region.
We are affiliated with AFT Connecticut, one of the most diverse labor organizations in the state. We are joined together with 30,000 women and men working in the areas of healthcare, PreK-12 education, higher education and municipal and state government. Our federation is the largest representative of acute care hospital professionals in Connecticut.
In addition, we have the political clout of AFT's 1.3 million members nationwide.
There are many benefits to being union members. We earn better wages and benefits than workers who don’t have workplace representation. On average, our wages are 27 percent higher than our non-union counterparts. In states where employees lack collective bargaining rights, workers’ overall incomes are lower.
Unionized workers are 60 percent more likely to have employer-provided pensions. More than 85 percent of union members have jobs that provide health insurance benefits, but only 54 percent of non-union workers do.
Click here to learn more about joining our AFT Connecticut labor family.